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Finding Love At Life's Crossroads: An Interracial Novel Read online

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  “Yes, there are also hard copies of the menus next to the dining table.”

  “I’ll unwind, check my emails, and have a look.”

  Efia smiled warmly. “The reception here is terrific. Message me if you need anything.”

  “Thank you, Efia. I will speak to you later.”

  “Yes, of course. I hope you find everything to your liking and welcome to Calico Cays Resort.”

  “Thank you. I am sure everything will be fine.”

  Efia’s smile broadened as she waved goodbye and headed for the exit.

  Ace stood in the middle of the room, watching her go. Her enthusiasm was on full display, and he didn’t want it rubbing off on him.


  Efia departed the villa, thinking how distinguished her name sounded coming from Ace’s lips. She whispered his name under her breath, wondering whether he had noticed she hadn’t said his name. Why would he? she mentally chided herself. Why would he even think about something as trivial as that? She dropped the internal soliloquy when she saw Maria coming her way.

  “How did it go?” Maria asked.

  “Everything went well. I am giving Mr. Davenport a chance to settle in.”

  “Great. If you have any questions, remember to message me.”

  “I’m sure everything will be all right,” Efia said.

  “You might want to get a bite to eat now,” Maria said. “It could get busy later.”

  “Is Ashley back?” Efia asked.

  “She’s in the staff dining room.”

  “I will join her.”

  As Efia hurried along, she was grateful that she had not experienced any of the harrowing events other staff members had relayed about supervisors at other resorts. She had been at Calico Cays for two weeks running through mock-up-drills before the group of guests arrived. Thrilled to have gotten her foot through the door of such a prestigious and well-respected company, she planned to soak up each experience. Her goal—Resort Manager, however, Guest Service Associate was the perfect start.

  Efia spotted Ashley in line at the buffet station. She grabbed a tray and joined the queue.

  Ashley stepped away from her spot and met Efia at the back of the line. “How was it?”

  “Mr. Davenport seems very independent. I don’t think he will be calling on me often.”

  “The long trip must have tired him out, with his age and all,” Ashley said.

  Efia tugged on Ashley’s cap sleeve shirt. “He’s not in his twenties. He’s not old either, he’s hot.”

  “I thought you said he was an old guy.”

  “I don’t know why I assumed he was,” Efia whispered.

  “I bet he won’t be single for long,” Ashley said. “He’ll probably hook-up with one of the single females on this trip.”

  Not long ago, Efia had thought the same, but hearing Ashley echo similar sentiments bothered her.

  “What about your couple?” Efia asked.

  “The guys are hilarious,” Ashley replied. “They had me in stitches. I’m so glad I am working with them.”

  “The line is moving,” Efia said. “Let us hurry up, I need to get back to the office.”

  Chapter 7

  The following morning, Ace worked the last piece of ham and spinach quiche into his mouth, washing it down with a sip of grand mimosa. Next, he took a bite of fresh pineapple, savoring the delicious taste.

  From his seat on the veranda, he watched several guests take the trail to the beach. He was tempted to do the same, if only he had put more thought into packing. Switching gears, he fished out his iPhone which had been programmed with the Bahamas Exit Code by his assistant and hit the code for his office.

  A knock on the door caught Ace’s attention. He disconnected the call and made his way across the room. When Ace opened the door, he wasn’t the least bit surprised to find Efia standing there. A grin flashed briefly over his face as he found it impossible not to return Efia’s disarming smile.

  “Good morning,” Ace said, stepping aside.

  Efia entered. “Good morning. How are you? Did you sleep well?”

  “I got a few hours in,” Ace said, running his hand across the back of his neck.

  “A few?” Efia arched a brow. “That is not acceptable.” She keyed something into her iPad. “Housekeeping will be here shortly.”

  Ace rotated his neck from side-to-side.

  “Is something wrong with the pillows? Efia asked. “I can order fresh ones.”

  “The pillows are fine, Efia. I have been wound a bit tight as of late. I will unwind in a day or so.”

  “You must try some of the activities we offer here at the resort. The massages are world-class and to die for, you will be asleep before the therapist is through.”

  Ace smiled, recalling a similar sentiment from Drew. “How long have you worked here?”

  Efia lifted her head high. “This is my third week.”

  Ace chuckled. “You’re a fast learner.”

  Efia’s large dark brown eyes shone brightly, and her lips curved upward. Seeing her happy, pleased Ace, although he couldn’t fathom why.

  She switched screens on her iPad. “Should I make a reservation? You can also try the parasailing or the kiteboarding, if that’s too much of an adrenalin rush, then I would recommend canoeing or Kayaking or something in between such as jet skiing.”

  “Unfortunately, I didn’t pack very sensibly,” Ace said, pointing to his white undershirt, black dress pants, and bare feet.

  Efia’s eyes traveled over him. “Oh my, you didn’t want to be here, did you?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Yes. You were the last one off the boat. And you weren’t at the restaurant last night for the show.”

  “Let me start with a massage,” Ace said. “Then I will see how it goes from there.”

  Efia made a few quick swipes on the iPad before moving next to Ace. She pointed to the screen. “We have a selection of items in the gift shop that might solve your problem. These board shorts would look nice on you.”

  Ace met Efia’s gaze and held it for several seconds before glancing away. He lowered his head closer to the tablet in her hand. Her perfume with faint hints of strawberries filled his nostrils. It wasn’t the intense, expensive fragrance he was used to, but he had to admit, the clean, soft scent suited her.

  He tapped the image of the black, board shorts with a blue waistband and piping down the side and around the legs. “A couple pairs of these and a few T-shirts, and I’ll be set.”

  Efia scrolled through the tablet, and several pairs of flip-flops popped up. “And you might want to add a pair of these.”

  Ace couldn’t remember the last time he had allowed anyone to get this close to him, yet he was taking advice from a stranger.

  “Select your size, and I’ll have someone bring the items by.”

  “I might as well choose a pair of jeans and a Polo shirt while I am at it.” With his order completed, Ace said, “Seems like Calico Cays Resort has a proficient system in place.”

  “We aim to please.”

  “You are off to a good start, Efia.”

  “Thank you. Now that you have the right wardrobe, you can also take a tour to Pig Island.”

  “I will bypass that.”

  “Not your thing, huh?”

  “Swimming with pigs? No, not at all. Why don’t you take the afternoon off?”

  “Why?” Efia asked, her voice sounding small and her face appearing crestfallen.

  Ace smiled, hoping to elicit the same from Efia. The last thing he wanted to do was convey the impression that he hadn’t appreciated her efforts.

  “I have to check in with my office,” he replied.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, sounding more upbeat.

  “Yes. You will.”

  Ace tracked Efia’s movements as she made her way across the floor. He scanned from her ankles, up the back of her shapely legs which protruded from her knee-length shorts to her small, round
ed behind, and tiny waistline, before coming to rest on the pile of hair she had coiled on the top of her head.

  Ace inhaled, feeling a stir in his body. He shook his head, pushing away the sensation. It is her energy and the environment, he thought, it must be.

  As if sensing his thoughts, Efia swirled, meeting his eyes. She chewed her bottom lip. Quickly, Ace dropped his gaze from her mouth. He didn’t need a mirror to tell him his cheeks were fire engine red. Regret tightened his jaw. He hoped Efia hadn’t taken offense. The last thing he wanted was to come across as an old pervert.


  When Efia left, Ace went back to the veranda. He punched in the code for his office into his cell phone. Placing the phone on speaker, he stretched out on one of the lounging chairs with his hands clasped behind his head.

  “Aren’t you on vacation?”

  “Good morning, Mary.”

  “Good morning, Boss. My question still stands.”

  “I am,” Ace said. “Any pressing issues that I need to know about?”

  “Nothing that your staff can’t handle,” Mary replied.

  “I am here if you need me.”

  “Your father gave me strict orders not to bother you unless the place is on fire, and even then, he said I should think twice.”

  Ace laughed. Mary had always been a straight shooter, even back when she had worked for his father. Ace would be the first to admit her twenty-seven years with the company had proven invaluable. At sixty-two, she still had more energy than most people half her age. He couldn’t imagine his office without her.

  “Remember whose signature is on your check,” Ace said lightheartedly.

  “I agree with your father,” Mary replied. “You need to relax and enjoy yourself. You have the personnel in place to handle any crisis that could possibly arise. Let us earn that check you mentioned.”

  “I’ll be back in a few days,” Ace said.


  Ace sat up. “What now, Mary?”

  “Have a little fun, you deserve it. Don’t rush to return, the businesses are in good hands. Your father is around all the time. We can manage. Take the time and renew your spirit.”

  Ace peered out at the beautiful surroundings, and an image of Efia invaded his mind. Unable to deny the surge of excitement that accompanied her likeness, he pushed the unwanted intrusion aside and brought his thoughts back to the current conversation.

  “Thanks, Mary, I might do just that.”

  After the call ended, he scrolled through his iPad and booked himself a massage.

  Chapter 8

  After helping Maria log the inventory supplies which had arrived earlier from the mainland, Efia went back to the shoebox-size room she shared with Ashley to find her friend stretched out on the top bunk, reading People magazine.

  “Hi,” Efia said.

  “You look tired.” Ashley closed the magazine, placing it on the bed. “Seems like Mr. Davenport is draining your energy.”

  “Not at all. I was helping Maria with a few projects.”

  “I know you want to make management, but don’t overdo it. The company is not paying you for all this extra work.”

  “It’s not about the money.” Efia sat on the bottom bunk. “It’s about the experience. Eventually, the money will come. Managers make over eighty thousand, I want to be prepared when my opportunity comes along.”

  “You will be good at it, too,” Ashley said. “Me, not so much. I can’t imagine managing all these people.”

  “I hope Ace gets a massage,” Efia said, toeing off her sneakers.

  Ashley leaned over from the top bunk. “Who is Ace?”

  “Mr. Davenport.”

  “Seems like he is not much of a people’s person,” Ashley said. “He hasn’t been in the dining room or anyplace else.”

  Efia removed the mini-sized iPad from her waist holder. She checked her message app., and shook her head. “Ace is a widower. He is still grieving.”

  “He could have done that at home. Why spend all this money to come here and sit inside?”

  “Have you heard from your dad?” Efia asked.

  “Don’t think I haven’t noticed your little pivot, missy. You probably have a crush on this dude.”

  “Why would you say a thing like that?” Efia scoffed.

  “How come you can’t look me in the eye?”

  “How can I have a crush on someone I hardly know?”

  “Do I know Edris Elba?” Ashley asked. “By the way, Dad is okay. He asked about you.”

  “Next time you speak with him, give him my regards,” Efia said. “How is Candice?”

  “You had to go there.”

  Efia chuckled. “Payback isn’t easy, is it?”

  Ashley snatched the magazine from the bed and hit Efia over the head.


  “You know how much I detest that money-grabbing hussy.”

  “Don’t speak negatively about Ace, and I won’t bring up Candice.”

  “Oh, my God, Efia, you have more than a crush on this guy.”

  Efia rose from the bed. “Stop it!” She moved the few paces to the bathroom. She opened the door, her lips quivering as she peeked back at Ashley

  Ashley slapped her hand over her mouth.

  Ashamed and excited at the same time, Efia entered the bathroom and closed the door. She raised herself to her full five feet four inches. Falling in love wasn’t high on her ‘to do list—not because there weren’t guys around, she had met many. There just wasn’t anyone who had set her blood on fire—until now.

  As she examined herself in the mirror on the back of the door, an image of her high school crush, Kojo Mahama flashed in her thoughts—a crush that seemed trivial now as a picture of Ace Davenport took its place.


  Fifteen-minutes thermal bath, followed by an hour-long massage, left Ace feeling as though he could fly.

  The massage therapists at Calico Cays Resorts don’t just have magic hands, Ace thought, they are miracle workers.

  Prodded, poked, and elbowed, his body had been whipped into submission. Now, as he leisurely strolled across the grounds, taking in the sumptuous surroundings his company had created, he couldn’t remember the last time he felt so light, and his mind so decluttered. He inhaled, filling his lungs with the saltwater breeze that blew across the open space. Surprised by the depth and strength of his inhalation, he took a few more cleansing breaths.

  When Ace reached the Fiesta Villa, he removed the DO NOT DISTURB sign from the interior, placing it on the exterior door handle. He entered the space, kicked off his footwear and made his way to the bedroom. Lifting the remote, he pointed it at the motorized blinds, sending the room into darkness.

  “Sleep is calling me,” he whispered, throwing himself across the bed. “And for the first time in years, I can’t wait to answer that call.”


  Efia waved to Ashley. “See you later.”

  “Hopefully, you will join us tonight in the dining room, or at the after show,” Ashley said.

  “We will see.” Efia watched Ashley head toward the Promenade Villa. She checked her iPad. “This is ridiculous. I am going to check on Ace.”

  A few minutes later, she stood in front of the Fiesta Villa, staring at the DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door. Baffled by the three simple words, and beset by a torrent of emotions, she ran her fingers across the lettering.

  “What the heck is happening to me?” she whispered. “I wish Maria had assigned me to a different guest.”

  Chapter 9

  The continuous ringing pierced Ace’s ears, but it took several minutes before he deciphered where the noise came from. When it became evident the ringing was his cell phone, he jolted to a seated position, swiping his hand down his face.

  Ace reached for the cell phone on the night table. He checked his messages, realizing the missed call was from Drew. He placed the phone on the bed and reached for the remote control, squinting as the darkness fell away and sunlight
washed over the room.

  What time is it? he wondered before his eyes caught the time on the clock. “My God, I have been asleep for close to 24hours.”

  Even with the length of time he had slept, Ace knew he would have slept for another full day had the phone not interrupted him. His stomach growled, and he trekked from the room.

  Plugging his cell phone into the docking station, Ace picked up the iPad and searched the lunch menu. He made a few swipes and closed the screen. Next, he opened the message display, and typed:

  I took your advice. Had a restful sleep. Stop by when you are available.

  Deciding to enjoy a little beach time, Ace shaved, showered, and changed into a pair of his new board shorts and a black T-shirt before removing the sign from the door.

  His cell phone rang.

  He checked the caller ID. He hit the speaker.


  “I was about to send out an S.O.S,” Drew said on the other end. “Where were you?”


  “I told you, didn’t I? Those women have the magic elixir in the palm of their hands.”

  “They have the cure for insomnia,” Ace said. “We could use a few more therapists like them at our New York facilities.”

  “I am working on it,” Drew said. “Most of the massage therapists at Calico Cays are from the Bahamas. They don’t want to have anything to do with the cold weather in New York.”

  “Who could blame them?” This place is spectacular.”

  “Does everything else meet your approval?”

  “The Guest Service Associate couldn’t be more helpful.”

  “You are in good hands,” Drew said. “The staff go above and beyond to make this place a success. A few months ago, one of the managers reported that a widow came down to the resort and the Guest Service Assistant switched her regular routine to stay up all night, playing Gin Rummy with that guest and listening to stories about her husband. I don’t know of any other resort that offers that kind of service.”

  “Is that why you insisted I come here?” Ace asked.


  “I don’t need a babysitter, Drew.”

  “You needed the rest.”